Artist: U2

Date: 2000-11-23

Location: Rio De Janeiro, Brasil - Globo Studios

Medium: SHN

Equipment / Source: TV


Rio De Janeiro 11/23/2000
Stereo TV Recording

Tele Cine / Island / Universal Promo Video Master > Sony HIFI VHS > Sony DTC ZE700 (SBM) > Optical > Terratec EWX 24/96 > WAV Editor > CD Wave > MKW > SHN

Length: 12.46 min
Quality: Excellent TV/Soundboard
Size: 91 MB (SHN)

01. Beautiful Day
02. Elevation
03. Stuck In A Moment


Rio De Janeiro, Brasil. Globo Studios.
November 23, 2000. Missing: Ground Beneath Her Feet, Beautiful Day (#2), Stuck In A Moment (#2)


The set was recorded in a TV studio in Rio de Janeiro in front of a small selected audience. This recording was taken directly from an official promo video and not from a tv broadcast.

No cover available for this show.